Do I need a gym membership?

No, everything is included with your monthly payment.

Do you train men?

Not typically, but I am always open to it. Typically, I take male clients through referrals or in a partner/group training with a female client.

What if I want to bring a plus one to my session?

Plus ones will be required to pay a full “partner session” amount of $50.

Do I have to book a consultation prior to starting working out?

Yes, you must book at least a 30-minute consult before starting training. This ensures all forms are completed, and all physical/health exams have been reviewed.

What is included with the Nutrition add-on?

With the one-time nutriton fee, you’ll receive a digital or printed version of the LEXfit Nutrition Guide and consistent guidance throughout the entirety of your program. This includes a supplement guide, macronutrient breakdowns/cheat sheets, sample grocery lists/meal plans, and more!

Where is the gym located?

5959 S Valley View Blvd